I am notorious for running water in my home. I turn it on once I get up in the morning to heat the water. I live in a 3 story townhouse so by the time the water warms up, 5 minutes have passed. I know its wasteful. I also run it while brushing my teeth… Read More

We all go through jeans and when they become worn out, we try to figure out what to do with them. I have seen jeans turned into the so many thing but did you ever think that those jeans can be turned into insulation for a new home? Organizations such as Habitat have used recycled… Read More

What to expect with the rise of climate litigation discuss how countries and citizens are taking the fight for sustainability to the courts when government or businesses do not take the sustainability more serious. https://www.greenbiz.com/article/what-expect-rise-climate-litigation… Read More

Watch Harish Manwani, COO of Unilever discuss how it’s not always about profits but also about being responsible. He talks about corporation stepping up to play a responsible role in being socially responsible. I think that Harish’s view in how we must evolve from just a capitalistic view and add an element of social responsibility.… Read More

My Sustainability Challenge My challenge will involve cleaning out my closets, collecting my families old jeans as well as those of my neighbors to donate to bluejeansgogreen. This organization turns used jeans into insulation for homes. I would also like to bring this challenge to my company to see how many jeans we can collect.… Read More